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Zurich Center for Market Design

Visits by Joseph Root (University of Chicago) and Larry Samuelson (Yale)

Joseph Root (University of Chicago) is visiting us during the weeks of May 15 and May 22. He gives a talk on "Royal Processsions: Incentives, Efficiency and Fairness in Two-Sided Matching” on Tuesday May 23 from 17:00 to 18:00 in BLU 003.

Larry Samuelson (Yale University) is visiting us during the week of May 29. He gives a talk on "Investment and Matching” on Tuesday May 30 from 17:00 to 18:00 in BLU 003 and a talk about economics, utility and game theory during the John von Neumann’s 100th Anniversary on Friday, June 2, from 15:00 to 18:00  in ETH AudiMax.
